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The Site Mapper is a collective of software developers ready to provide the best solutions to businesses and individuals.

The mission of our team is to make every project we complete count for the development of a better future, both more technological and more human.

Our vision is to become one of the top three leading software development agencies in the United Kingdom. We plan to achieve this goal in three years.

Everything we do at The Site Mapper is grounded on professionalism, innovation, functionality, adaptability and transparency. We look towards the future while keeping in mind the power of human connection.

We are pioneers in software development among our British community in the village of Yealand Redmayne, where our offices are located. We work actively to bring sustainable technological innovation to rural areas in Britain.

We offer our services, physically or digitally, across all England. In three to five years, we plan to offer our software development products and services to individuals and businesses not only in England, but also in Scotland, Wales and Ireland. We believe we have what it takes to develop the future in all Great Britain.

We develop software. We develop the future. We are The Site Mapper.

Bringing you information on the best casino sites

Our blog is all about software development. The latest development is something you can see for sure at the best casino sites in UK, that are currently super trendy and popular. A few years back these kinds of online casinos were something no one could even imagine and what do you know: today there are as normal as any casino out there! Software development has taken huge steps over the past few years, and we are loving it.

You can read more about the best casino websites from our articles. We will also introduce you to other kinds of trends related to casino sites and other software development. Read our articles and always be the first to know what is happening in the exciting world of iGaming – it is filled with opportunities and possibilities to all of us who are software development enthusiasts!

We have assisted several gambling operators in the creation of their online casino websites. As you probably might imagine, building gaming website is an extremely complex and layered process. The amount of elements that need to be integrated within one same platform is staggering: we are talking about safe payment methods, implementation of security measures (SSL and many more), integration of the gaming platform itself and development of the user interface.

Running a similar amount of tasks and operations in a smooth and seamless fashion is the paramount challenge when developing casino websites. Also, we need to take into account the fact that many people are playing from their mobile device, using a data connection – so we have to strive and ensure that we keep our code agile, fast, smooth and with lightning fast loading speed. Read our articles if you would like to find out more about the technology and skills behind the development of casino sites!

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